It is important to compile money management methods to maintain your finances in sequence and avoid problems. There are several ways to manage your money – using a free online system, buy a money management software package or design your own system on the Excel spreadsheet.
Using the online money management system – There are many online money management systems – some are quite simple and other with all bells and whistles. This system helps you to budget, plan your personal finances and manage your debt and of course you can access your data wherever you are. The bottom side of the online system is a security problem – many people are very vigilant about personal financial information on the web. It is very important that you read the provider’s privacy policy and ensure that they will not pass your personal data to third parties.
Buy a money management software package – Many people will be happy to buy a stand-alone software package and of course there are many choices. It is a good idea to do research and get customer feedback on various packages before making your final choice. You need to decide how simple or complicated you want your system. If you have a complex financial situation – some investments, several bank accounts and credit cards and income from various sources – you have to go for one of the more sophisticated money management packages. But if your situation is relatively easy – salary, account now and deposits – you have to choose a simple package. It only takes a few minutes a day to stay up to date with your finances. Another advantage of buying a package is that most allows you to import your bank report directly to your program and you benefit excellent customer support offered by most suppliers.
Money Management on Excel spreadsheet – If you want a money management system that is tailored to your needs, it is probably the best is to set up your own system on a spreadsheet. It’s quite easy to do – Start with a column for each month and then label the line with all your anxiety and expenses, add your formula and that. If you have more than one bank account, you can handle this on a separate spreadsheet and the links are both a summary sheet.
Some of the last tips – most money management is a common sense problem. When you have the system you choose, check your expenses. Is there any item you can do without if necessary? Do you pay off your credit card in full every month? Do you have a contingency fund to help you deal with the unexpected washing machine or car repair? Don’t forget to put something every month to cover quarterly and annual bills such as insurance and car taxes etc.